How Introverts Can Nail What-Makes-You-Tick Interview Questions

The following is a guest post by career consultant Jane Finkel It’s inevitable that the interviewer will ask you questions that attempt to uncover who you really are, especially your more appealing personal qualities. For introverts, job interview questions that seem more personal often present the greatest challenge. It’s not that you are inept at Read More …

Introvert Success Tips with Katie Rasoul

As an introvert, you may feel that your personality will hold you back from career success. However, there are aspects to an introvert’s personality that can be advantageous. In addition, coping mechanisms can help motivated introverts level the playing field in an extrovert dominated world.. Katie Rasoul, author of Hidden Brilliance: A High-Achieving Introvert’s Guide to Read More …

Highly Sensitive Person: Learn to Set Boundaries

One major quality of a Highly Sensitive Person is that we tend to retreat when things get overwhelming. Others may interpret this as weakness or being a “quitter”. However, it’s crucial for the HSP to recognize a toxic situation, be it a job, hobby or relationship. We should also not feel guilty for removing ourselves Read More …

5 Job Options for the HSP Introvert

As a Highly Sensitive Person and introvert, life presents many challenges. We are bombarded by sights, sounds, and situations that can easily overwhelm us. Many jobs are full of stress, constant social interactions, and other negative things that can lead to decreased productivity or even health problems for highly sensitive people. Finding a job that Read More …