“Mean Girl” Myth BUSTED- Experts Examine Why Women Don’t Get Along at Work

A persistent cultural meme insists that the greatest threat to professional women is other women—backstabbing, conniving “queen bees” and “mean girls.” Hogwash, say the coauthors of IT’S NOT YOU, IT’S THE WORKPLACE: Women’s Conflict at Work and the Bias That Built It , who investigated these stereotypes using surveys, social science research, and interviews. Conclusion: there’s Read More …

Using Forgiveness To Get Ahead in Your Career

Forgiveness isn’t usually a strategy we consider when trying to get ahead in our careers. It’s particularly difficult to practice forgiveness in our current climate, where inequalities at work continue to surface and trend. But for management consultant Christie Lindor forgiveness has in fact been the primary force propelling her forward in her career. Her Read More …

A Guide to Writing a Great Professional Email

As a website owner, I receive a lot of emails. Several factors go into which emails I ignore and which ones warrant a response. These factors are important when it comes to crafting an attention grabbing, professional email. Below, how to write a great professional email that will get a response. The Title Matters Your Read More …

Highly Sensitive Person: Learn to Set Boundaries

One major quality of a Highly Sensitive Person is that we tend to retreat when things get overwhelming. Others may interpret this as weakness or being a “quitter”. However, it’s crucial for the HSP to recognize a toxic situation, be it a job, hobby or relationship. We should also not feel guilty for removing ourselves Read More …