CareerCast Report Names Best College Majors

There are many factors one must consider when choosing a college major. Some of these factors include income potential, job outlook and career interests. has released a report detailing the best college degrees based on salary and hiring outlook.


“Programs of study offering a clear path to success include Finance, Nursing, Marketing, Computer and Information Systems, and Education,” says Kyle Kensing, Online Content Editor, CareerCast. “Many professions associated with these majors offer high starting salaries and a high-growth outlook, such as Financial Analyst, Registered Nurse, Advertising Account Executive, Software Engineer and High School Teacher.”

In addition to considering salary and outlook in choosing a major, students should also be aware of specializations and levels of education needed. Some degree programs may be generalized yet may offer specializations within. Information Security Analyst programs within IT educational departments are becoming increasingly popular, such as cybersecurity, for example. And a General Medical & Health Services background, coupled with studies in business, offer a potential pathway to the highly attractive field of Medical Services Manager. 

The recommended level of education for acquiring certain high-paying, high-growth outlook jobs in some fields is a Master’s degree — which underscores the importance of understanding just how much education and training beyond the classroom is necessary to maximize a career’s potential.

Read on for more information on the best college majors for 2019.



Median Salary: $57,700

Hiring Outlook (through 2026): Accountant -10%, Financial Planner -15%

Computer and Information Systems

Median Salary: $65,400

Hiring Outlook (through 2026): Information Security Analyst -28%, Software Engineer – 24%, Application Software Developer – 31%, Computer Systems Analyst – 9%

Electrical Engineering

Median Salary: $$72,600

Hiring Outlook (through 2026): Electrical Engineer – 7%, Electrical Engineering Technician – 2%


Median Salary: $63,700

Hiring Outlook (through 2026): Financial Analyst – 11%, Compensation, Benefits and Job Analysis Specialist – 9%, Fundraiser – 15%, Logistician – 7%, Financial Planner – 15%

General Education

Median Salary: $40,300

Hiring Outlook (through 2026): Elementary School Teacher – 7%, Middle/High School Teacher – 8%

General Medical and Health Services

Median Salary: $50,200

Hiring Outlook (through 2026): Medical Services Manager – 20%, Medical Technologist – 13%

Marketing and Market Research

Median Salary: $50,400

Hiring Outlook (through 2026): Market Research Analyst – 23%, Advertising Account Executive – 10%


Median Salary: $57,300

Hiring Outlook (through 2026): Registered Nurse – 15%, Licensed Practical Nurse – 12%


The CareerCast report demonstrates that degrees directly related to careers are best for job growth and earning potential. However, this does not mean one should completely dismiss a liberal arts degree. Personality, interests, and career values should also be taken into account when deciding on a career path. Not sure what to do with your degree? Read our post on jobs you can get with any degree.

Read the full report here: