Sexual Harassment Advice in Wake of Weinstein

  The recent news about movie mogul Harvey Weinstein’s sexual harassment of countless women has opened the discussion of sexual harassment in the entertainment industry. Famous women have come forward with their stories of men in power using their positions to intimidate and threaten. They fear their careers may be hurt if they complain so Read More …

Five Difficult Workplace Types–and How to Get Them to Cooperate

  By Judith Orloff MD   The workplace is filled with difficult personalities–bullies, know-it-alls, rumor mongers… Our fallback reaction when faced with problem people at work is to either assert ourselves or walk swiftly in the other direction. But there’s a middle ground, a way of communicating that’s more effective, because it’s not rigid or Read More …

Dealing with a Workplace Bully

Whether it’s a jealous coworker that tries to undermine you or a supervisor who loves to yell, you’ll likely deal with a workplace bully at some point in your career. You may have a great job otherwise, but a single individual can make going to work everyday a dreadful experience. Luckily, there are a few Read More …

Merging Generations in the Workplace, the New Gen Y

Written by Wendy N. Powell, author of “Management Experience Acquired” In a perfect world, the workplace is like a family, with seasoned baby boomer and Generation X employees guiding and working alongside less-experienced Generation Y workers. With the Gen Y employees now solidly in the workplace, new challenges in the traditional quasi-work family are common. Read More …