Study: Passive Aggressive Behavior Common in the Workplace

Passive-aggressive behavior is an indirect expression of negative feelings. Instead of openly addressing problems with an individual, one might say or do something that expresses frustration or anger without clearly communicating feelings. Unfortunately, passive aggressive behaviors make both communication and conflict resolution more difficult. A recent survey of more than 1,200 people demonstrates how common Read More …

Communication: The Most Important Soft Skill

Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels We all know that soft skills are just as important as hard skills when it comes to career success. If there’s one soft skill you should master, it’s communication. Great leaders all have one thing in common – excellent communication skills. Unfortunately this skill is overlooked in many industries and companies. But Read More …

5 Ways to Be a Better Leader

Photo by fauxels from Pexels Good leadership is key to a company’s success. Everything starts from the top, so a leader must invoke confidence in their employees, team members, customers and clients. A strong leader doesn’t shy away from difficult situations or tough decisions. If you’re in a leadership position, the behaviors listed below will help grow your Read More …

How To Be a Good Boss During Stressful Times

Although some employees are able to work from home or take paid sick leave during the coronavirus outbreak, many others still have to come in to work. This is a stressful time for everyone, especially those without the luxury of staying home. If you are a manager, supervisor or other leader, it’s likely that you Read More …

Toastmasters Offers Advice for College Grads

It’s college graduation season, and thousands of graduates will enter the job market.  After years of focusing on technical skills, applicants may be surprised to find that employers value soft skills the most. While hard skills are still important, LinkedIn’s 2018 Emerging Jobs Report found that soft skills, including oral communication, leadership and time management, make Read More …