Red Flag Job Listing Words and Phrases

Photo by Ron Lach  A job search can be emotionally, physically and mentally draining. Interviewing and waiting for a response is incredibly stressful. But getting to that point is equally taxing. Not only do you have to wade through thousands of listings to find the positions that match your criteria, you also have to watch Read More …

5 Red Flags of an Unethical Workplace: Q&A

According to the newly released Global Business Ethics Survey, close to 50% of US workers witnessed unethical and/or illegal conduct on the job in 2020. In addition, retaliation against employees who reported wrongdoing rose steeply, up to 61% in 2020. G. Richard Shell, Chair of Wharton Business School’s Legal Studies and Business Ethics Department is author of the bestselling Read More …

FlexJobs Identifies Common Job Search Scams

Job search scams have been around for a long time. However, as technology has evolved and new challenges appear for job seekers, scammers have developed new tactics. According to the Better Business Bureau, the COVD-19 pandemic has caused an increase in work-from-home job scams. In a recent article, job search site FlexJobs identified fourteen common Read More …

FlexJobs: Beware of Work-at-Home Scams

As the number of unemployed workers continues to increase during the COVID-19 pandemic, work-from-home job scams are also likely to increase. The promise of working remotely has always been appealing for many people, but it’s particularly enticing for those wishing to stay safe at home while earning money. Work-at-home jobs have always been a target Read More …

Don’t Be Pressured to Compromise Your Values

Photo by from Pexels   I recently was presented with an opportunity to make money on a “sponsored” post. However, the company did not want me to disclose the sponsorship. If you are a blogger or content creator online, you know that FTC guidelines dictate that sponsorships must be clearly disclosed. This company pressured me to compromise.  Read More …