Interview: Surge in Demand for Product Manager Roles

The Wall Street Journal has reported accelerated hiring in the U.S. economy, with an addition of 353,000 jobs in January. However, amidst a landscape often overshadowed by tech job layoffs, ProsperCircle‘s analysis uncovers a surprising trend: approximately 7,000 product management roles were filled, and an additional 9,000 positions opened up in the last 30 days alone. Read More …

The Hardest Working Cities 2024

In honor of Employee Appreciation Day on March 1st, personal finance website WalletHub has released a report on America’s hardest working cities. Americans work an average of 1,811 hours per year, more than people in most other industrialized countries. In this post, we celebrate those who contribute the most to our economy. Americans are known Read More …

Farzana Nayani on Quiet Quitting

“Quiet quitting” isn’t so quiet anymore – at least 50% of American workers say they’re quietly quitting and only putting in the bare minimum at their job. What can managers do about it? Companies need to look to employee resource groups (ERGs), which are the golden ticket to understanding how to hire and retain workers. “ERGs are an Read More …

States with Highest Job Resignation Rates 2022

The combination of workers leaving jobs impacted by COVID and incentives to change careers has lead to what has been called the “Great Resignation”. Employees now have more leverage, so attracting and keeping workers is harder than before the pandemic. As companies struggle to fill positions caused by these resignations, employee satisfaction is crucial for Read More …

Red Flag Job Listing Words and Phrases

Photo by Ron Lach  A job search can be emotionally, physically and mentally draining. Interviewing and waiting for a response is incredibly stressful. But getting to that point is equally taxing. Not only do you have to wade through thousands of listings to find the positions that match your criteria, you also have to watch Read More …