Tips on Finding the Right College for You

Every student is different and needs a certain environment to thrive. Many college students choose a college solely on location, scholarship opportunities or where friends are going. It’s not to say that these factors aren’t important, but there are many other qualities one has to consider when choosing the right college or university. Before deciding Read More …

How to Choose the Right College Major

Choosing a major may be the most difficult and important decision a college student makes. With college costs on the rise, students feel increased pressure to choose the right major and to make every class count. Unfortunately, many college students don’t have the knowledge or guidance to help them with this decision. A few key Read More …

The Best Websites for Choosing a College

Choosing a college has always been difficult for students. And the decision seems more crucial than ever due to rising tuition costs and increased competition. Luckily, the web offers abundant resources to make the search a bit easier. Many websites provide detailed statistics on colleges, with ratings from real students and alumni. If you don’t Read More …

Join Us at College and Career Talk on Facebook!

  College, Career Life has a new Facebook group for students and job seekers. Join us at the College and Career Talk Facebook group for polls, discussions and advice. Wondering about what major to choose or what to put on your resume? Just ask our group for advice from a variety of individuals. You can Read More …

Coping with Depression in College

Depression is common among college students. A new environment, increased academic stress and growing responsibilities can contribute to depression. Students suffering depression tend to isolate themselves or turn to harmful coping mechanisms. However, there are healthy ways to prevent and treat depression. Read on for tips on how to cope with depression in college.*   Read More …