How to Choose the Right College Major

Choosing a major may be the most difficult and important decision a college student makes. With college costs on the rise, students feel increased pressure to choose the right major and to make every class count. Unfortunately, many college students don’t have the knowledge or guidance to help them with this decision. A few key Read More …

How to Know You’ve Chosen the Right College Major

Choosing a college major isn’t easy for everyone. There are a lot of choices, and conflicting information about the opportunities afforded graduates in each program. Adding to the confusion is the fact that most students don’t have the work experience or guidance to understand what concentrations would be a good match. Since you can’t see Read More …

Choose a Major by Finding Your Best Career

Many students think of college as a huge and risky investment because schools can’t guarantee a good job upon graduation despite the huge sticker price. Deciding on the right major is crucial because the wrong decision can result in financial hardship and career dissatisfaction. One strategy to help you identify the best major and maximize Read More …