How to Find an Internship Online

Internships have become increasingly common over the past decade, to the point that employers expect them of entry-level candidates. Students graduating without internship experience will be at a huge disadvantage in the job market. Unfortunately, due to increased demand for intern positions from students, campus career centers can’t always provide internships for everyone. That leaves Read More …

Changing Careers? Get College Credit for Life Experience

With the rate of unemployment lingering at record highs, professionals across the United States have become obligated to re-assess their value in the marketplace should they become unemployed. In fact, many must consider changing industries altogether, which often requires some amount of additional education. Holding multiple degrees can definitely allow for more seamless movement in Read More …

What Happened to the Entry-Level Job?

If you’ve been on a job board lately, you may have noticed an interesting and, for job-seekers, frustrating trend: entry-level jobs requiring several years of experience. Getting experience has always been a challenge for recent graduates, but it seems more difficult than ever to find a true entry-level position. Why the mislabeling of jobs? Money Read More …

The Best Career Planning Tool

Career tests, advice books, and counseling can all help you choose a suitable career path.  However, these don’t offer the best career planning opportunities.  Experience is the best teacher in every area, including career development.  Experience challenges your assumptions and forces self-awareness like nothing else.  Through experience, you learn: Your true values and interests Career Read More …