Jobs You Can Get With Any Degree-Part II
Whether you have a liberal arts degree, chose the wrong major, or just want a career change, you can find several career options that don’t require a specific degree. I’ve written about careers suitable for any college degree and jobs for liberal arts majors. Those were only a small number of the hundreds of jobs that don’t require a specific degree. Below, some more careers to consider regardless of your degree or major:
Event Coordinator
Event coordinators (also called event planners) manage events such as meetings, training seminars, and business conferences. They work in a variety of industries, from education to professional services. Event coordinators are responsible for budgeting, choosing venues, lodging, catering, scheduling, entertainment and travel. Key requirements for the job include excellent communication and time management skills, in addition to the ability to work well under pressure. Event planners earn a median salary of $55,004, according to
Insurance Underwriter
Insurance underwriters review insurance applications, calculate risks, decide who is awarded a policy and determine premiums. Underwriters may specialize in life, health, mortgage, or property and casualty insurance. Insurance underwriters earned an average annual wage of $57,820 in 2009 and the field is projected to experience a three to nine percent decline over the next decade.*
Policy Analyst
Policy analysts develop and research policies for governments, non-profits, and other organizations. Analysts gather information necessary for decision-making, determine program effectiveness, examine repercussions of various policies, and develop solutions to identified problems. Responsibilities and job requirements can vary greatly depending on the industry and employer. Many employers require advance degrees, but some will accept candidates with a bachelor’s degree. National average salaries range from $41,258 to $65,335, according to
Project Manager
A project manager’s responsibilities include facilitating communication among team members, scheduling and assigning tasks, budgeting, and responding to setbacks. Information technology and construction are common fields for project managers. Although no formal requirements exist, project management certification increases marketability. According to, project managers with two to four years of experience will earn a median annual wage of $65,237. Visit the Project Management Institute site for more information.
Real Estate Agent or Broker
Real estate brokers and agents sell real estate, appraise property values, and oversee real estate transactions. They must have knowledge of real estate law, local housing and economic trends, mortgages, and zoning laws. Real estate brokers and agents in the United States must be licensed. Licensing requirements include the passing of a written tests administered by the state and, in most states, 30 to 90 hours of classroom instruction. Brokers and agents perform similar work, but agents must work with a broker while brokers can run their own real estate businesses. In order to obtain a broker’s license, one must have experience selling real estate, and the amount of experience required varies from state to state.
Discover more jobs suitable for liberal arts majors by reading Great Jobs for Liberal Arts Majors (Great Jobs Series).
* Wage and employment information for Insurance Underwriters from O*NET.