Survey: Flexible Work Options Positively Impact Health

According to the results of a FlexJobs Work-Life-Relationship survey, 84% of the 2,100 respondents who have mental illnesses, such as anxiety or depression, said they thought that having a flexible job would help them better manage their mental illnesses. In addition, 35% of the overall pool of 3,900 respondents said they have had to take Read More …

5 Coping Methods for Stress at Work

International Stress Awareness Week is November 4th through 8th. In honor of stress awareness, we’ll address a very serious and common problem: workplace stress. Almost everyone experiences stress in the workplace. There are a multitude of reasons employees might experience stress at work including a toxic company culture, a heavy workload or angry customers. Some Read More …

Understanding and Treating Student Addiction

Even teens from loving, supportive, and healthy households are at risk for drug and alcohol addiction. It’s an unfortunate truth: teen addiction is on the rise. Especially during college, teens are high-risk for addiction – USA Today reports that “nearly half of America’s 5.4 million full-time college students abuse drugs or drink alcohol on binges at Read More …

Avoiding (or Losing) the Freshman 15

You’ve likely heard of the “freshman 15” – the weight many college students gain during the first year. There are several reasons for weight gain in college, mainly a combination of decreased physical activity and access to unlimited dining hall food. Read on for some tips for preventing weight gain during college. If you’ve already Read More …