Why Community College is a Good Investment

In the past, community colleges were considered inferior to four year universities by many people. But as tuition prices have risen and unemployment/underemployment among university graduates has become a prominent issue, more students are wisely choosing community college over traditional four year colleges and universities. Why should you choose community college over a university? For Read More …

Community College or University – Which is Right for You?

Both community colleges and four year universities offer different advantages to students. The choice on which to attend depends on several factors, including one’s financial status and career goals. With tuition costs continuing to rise at universities, many students are choosing community colleges for some or all of their higher education. A few things to Read More …

The Benefits of Community College

World Bank Photo Collection via Compfight In the past, community college was viewed by many as an inferior option to traditional four-year universities. However, with rising tuition costs and an increasingly competitive job market among college graduates, students may want to rethink their options when it comes to post-secondary education.  A few reasons to consider Read More …