Study: Automation Putting US Jobs at Risk

A new study is shedding light on which careers and populations are most vulnerable to automation-induced job loss. Using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the University of Oxford’s study on “The Future of Employment,” researchers identified the 170 most at-risk occupations based on their probability of being replaced by machines, robots, and Read More …

5 Jobs Automation is Killing

You’ve likely heard that robots are taking our jobs. Although that’s an extreme statement, there’s some truth to it. Many jobs that once offered good pay or upward mobility within an organization are now being replaced by technology. Some of the disappearing jobs are obvious, like cashiers. We see how automation is eliminating these positions Read More …

Junior Achievement Survey Reveals Concern About Impact of Automation and Globalization on Job Prospects

  A new survey from Junior Achievement USA (JA) shows that 77 percent of parents are “concerned” about their children’s ability to have a successful job or career as adults in light of global competition and automation. The same percentage (77%) of teens said they share similar concerns about having a successful job or career Read More …