The Hardest Working Cities 2024

In honor of Employee Appreciation Day on March 1st, personal finance website WalletHub has released a report on America’s hardest working cities. Americans work an average of 1,811 hours per year, more than people in most other industrialized countries. In this post, we celebrate those who contribute the most to our economy. Americans are known Read More …

States with Highest Job Resignation Rates 2022

The combination of workers leaving jobs impacted by COVID and incentives to change careers has lead to what has been called the “Great Resignation”. Employees now have more leverage, so attracting and keeping workers is harder than before the pandemic. As companies struggle to fill positions caused by these resignations, employee satisfaction is crucial for Read More …

States with Highest Income Inequality 2019

Photo by Alexander Mils from Pexels   With demonstrations like Occupy Wall Street, protesters have brought visibility to the impact increasing income inequality has had on America over the course of the last 50 years. But despite all the attention given to the problem of income inequality, the problem is worsening. The Great Recession of 2008 did not Read More …