5 Career Paths that Offer Autonomy

  Autonomy is one of the values to consider during the process of choosing a career path. Autonomy means having the freedom to do work with little or no supervision. It can also mean implementing your own ideas without approval of someone else. Jobs that provide autonomy generally allow for more flexibility and creativity than Read More …

Finding a Company That Matches Your Values

Recent comments by Whole Foods CEO John Mackey have caused both customers and employees to question the company’s values. Not only is it important to shop at businesses that stand for what you believe, but it is also important to work for an organization that matches your values. There are several ways to determine whether Read More …

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Career

Picking a career is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make. While in the past most people’s career prospects were limited by economic or social factors, today one can choose almost any career path. It is easy to become overwhelmed by the large number of career choices available and the amount of information Read More …