10 Jobs with High Satisfaction Ratings
When deciding on a career path, career satisfaction ratings are an important factor to take into account. This doesn’t mean you have to choose the highest rated jobs, but you should be wary of jobs that are lowly rated across many surveys. Although money is important for most people, it isn’t necessarily a key factor in job satisfaction. In general, jobs that offer autonomy and jobs that involve helping others tend to be highly rated. Looking for jobs that almost guarantee career happiness? Below is a list of ten careers that have high satisfaction ratings across different surveys*.
It’s easy to assume that high salaries are what make CEO’s happy. But there are likely other factors that make the job satisfying. Whether a person runs a small business or a fortune 500 company, he or she likely has a strong interest in his or her work in order to hold the position of chief executive officer. The leader of a company also has the greatest autonomy, which is a big factor in job satisfaction. Combine a vested interest in a company and a high amount of autonomy, and you’ve got a recipe for career satisfaction.
Clergy members are a great example of why finding meaning in one’s work leads to greater satisfaction than high pay. Most clergy do not get paid lucrative salaries, but they spend most of their time helping people. In general, making social connections and helping others makes for more satisfying work.
College Professors
College professors in almost all subject areas tend to have higher than average satisfaction ratings, based on a survey of MyPlan.com users. One explanation could be the autonomy the work offers and the flexibility in schedules that many professors enjoy. Also, most professors have doctorate degrees, which indicates a more intense interest in the subjects they teach. Combined with relatively high pay, these factors lead to a pretty satisfying career path.
Education and Vocational Counselors
Helping people choose an education or career path can be highly satisfying. Educational and vocational counselors help people achieve their goals, which is especially rewarding. In addition they don’t usually have to treat mental or emotional health problems like other counselors, which greatly reduces the stress factor of the job.
Although firefighters don’t often make a lot of money and have physically demanding jobs, they can directly see the results of their work. Saving people’s homes and lives is the most important work an individual can find, and firefighters experience this on a regular basis. The meaningfulness of a firefighter’s job can make up for the high stress and low pay.
Treating sick people is a meaningful task and sick children are particularly vulnerable, making the work of a pediatrician highly valuable. For those who love kids and medicine, being a pediatrician is probably the most highly rewarding career one can choose. Helping a sick child recover from an illness and receiving thanks from his or her family can give one a sense of great purpose.
Physical Therapists
Seeing a patient regain his or her ability to walk or use a limb is highly satisfying. Knowing that you were part of the process is even more rewarding. Physical therapists spend their entire workdays helping others. They also enjoy good pay and an abundance of work opportunities.
Physician Assistants
The stress of being a medical doctor can take a toll. While the medical field is full of helping careers, those that assist medical professionals often have the most satisfaction because they often get more patient interaction and have less responsibility on their shoulders.
Teachers – Vocational Studies
Teaching is often cited as a highly rewarding career path. But it can also come with many stresses. Teachers of vocational studies may find more satisfaction in their work because they are teaching job-related skills. Students in these courses are more likely to make a connection between their education and the “real world”, leading the teachers see more meaning in their work.
Veterinary Technician/Technologist
Animals are known to lower stress. In fact, they are often used as therapy pets and in hospitals to help patients feel better. The ability to work with and help animals all day is likely very satisfying to an animal lover. Although the work may not be glamorous, it’s highly rewarding.
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