New Overtime Pay Ruling: What You Need to Know

The U.S. Department of Labor’s recent decision on overtime pay extends to 1.3 million U.S. workers. Previously workers were automatically entitled to overtime pay only if they earned $23,660 or less a year, says Employco USA president and compensation expert Rob Wilson.   But, starting on Jan. 1, 2020, that salary ceiling will be raised Read More …

Alternative Careers for Law School Graduates

Most people enter law school with the intention of becoming lawyers after graduations, but a percentage of law school graduates have trouble finding jobs. Fortunately,  there are other career paths that allow you to utilize your legal education while earning a good living.   When attorney jobs are scarce, what are the alternatives for law school Read More …

Kate Neville Offers Career Advice for Lawyers

Law school is a common route chosen by college students hoping for a stable career.  However, law is not recession-proof, as career expert Kate Neville has discovered.  Neville counsels lawyers seeking to make a career move and says her business is thriving.  Ms. Neville answered some questions about law school and offered career advice for Read More …