Should You Consolidate Your Student Loans?

Many college graduates carry significant student loan debt, often consisting of multiple loans. Loan consolidation can simplify your finances by allowing you to make one payment instead of many. Although loan consolidation isn’t always the best choice, it can benefit certain borrowers. Read on for more information on student loan consolidation, including the advantages and Read More …

Don’t Let Student Loans Ruin You

Today’s high tuition costs necessitate loans for many college students.  Loans have become so common that hardly anyone thinks about the consequences of this debt.  It’s a smart investment in your future, right?  Not always.  First, interest on loans is accruing daily (once you graduate for subsidized and while you’re still in school for unsubsidized).  Read More …

Colleges Put Money Before Students

Recent articles have questioned the benefits of a college degree.  Tuition costs are rising every year, while colleges continue to churn out thousands of graduates each year in fields where there is known to be a glut of professionals.   This practice is more noticeable during a tight job market, but it’s nothing new. Although prospective Read More …